Schiefgelesen, vergilbt, leichte Leseknicke, Ecken und Kanten angestoßen, Schnitt mit Lagerspuren / Verfärbungen, beim vorderen Buchdeckel fehlt seitlich ein Stück des Covers (siehe Foto), wurde anscheinend herausgeschnitten.
Dies ist ein 2für1 Buch. 2für1 bedeutet, es gibt 2 Bücher für ein Ticket, einfach eins normal ertauschen und den anderen Titel (nur solche, die ebenfalls im Stichwort und in der Zustandsbeschreibung als 2für1 gekennzeichnet sind) per PN mitteilen.
Dies ist ein 2für1 Buch. 2für1 bedeutet, es gibt 2 Bücher für ein Ticket, einfach eins normal ertauschen und den anderen Titel (nur solche, die ebenfalls im Stichwort und in der Zustandsbeschreibung als 2für1 gekennzeichnet sind) per PN mitteilen.
In her novel Wilde Thing and novella "The Wilde One" from Bad Boys To Go, USA Today bestselling author Janelle Denison introduced two of the Wilde brothers--men who live up to their names in every respect. Now, get to know the tempting Scott Wilde. . .and discover why being bad can feel so very good. . . She's Tired Of Being Good. . . The last thing hotel heiress Ashley St. Claire wants for her thirtieth birthday is another boring set-up with a stuffed shirt with dollar signs in his eyes. Before settling down, Ashley wants one hot, erotic night with a man who'll let her be as shameless as she dares. A man like the one giving her body a long, slow appraisal at the bar and making no attempt to hide the fact that he likes what he sees. . . He Excels At Being Bad. . . It's bad manners to refuse a lady. And construction company owner Scott Wilde fully intends to oblige the stunning creature who has just asked him to be her birthday present...
In her novel Wilde Thing and novella "The Wilde One" from Bad Boys To Go, USA Today bestselling author Janelle Denison introduced two of the Wilde brothers--men who live up to their names in every respect. Now, get to know the tempting Scott Wilde. . .and discover why being bad can feel so very good. . . She's Tired Of Being Good. . . The last thing hotel heiress Ashley St. Claire wants for her thirtieth birthday is another boring set-up with a stuffed shirt with dollar signs in his eyes. Before settling down, Ashley wants one hot, erotic night with a man who'll let her be as shameless as she dares. A man like the one giving her body a long, slow appraisal at the bar and making no attempt to hide the fact that he likes what he sees. . . He Excels At Being Bad. . . It's bad manners to refuse a lady. And construction company owner Scott Wilde fully intends to oblige the stunning creature who has just asked him to be her birthday present...